تم بناء المشروع على قطعة أرض مساحتها 30 ألف متر مربع. كما..
يتكون مشروع من 57 فيلا فاخرة ، بما في ذلك 21 فيلا منفصلة و..
يتمتع المشروع بمساحة 36 ألف متر مربع. كما يحتوي المشروع,..
Bashakshehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
Maslak is one of the largest areas of Istanbul, located in the European part of the city near the Sisli..
It is located on the European side of Istanbul, covering an area of 16.7 square kilometers, and its..
يتألف المشروع من برج بإرتفاع 28 طابق بإجمالي 217 وحدة سكنية,..
Yalova, the center of Yalova province, located in the north-west of Turkey, with a population of about..
يعد أحد أكثر المشاريع الفريدة التي تم إطلاقها في إسطنبول..
The project is located in the Umraniye area with a population of 650,000 people, which is located in..