يتألف المشروع من برج بإرتفاع 28 طابق بإجمالي 217 وحدة سكنية,..
يتألف المشروع 718 شقة على مساحة 46000 متر مربع. يتميز المشروع..
تم بناء المشروع على قطعة أرض مساحتها 30 ألف متر مربع. كما..
Located in the European part on the coast of the Sea of Marmara and Guseldzhe Gulf on an area of 360..
The project consists of 160 apartments and 20 stores. Developed according to the latest principles,..
Beylikduzu is located on the European side of Istanbul on the northern coast of the Sea of Marmara and..
يتكون المشروع من 6 أبنية، 3 منها سكنية و القسم الآخر مكاتب...
Yalova, the center of Yalova province, located in the north-west of Turkey, with a population of about..
It is located on the European side of Istanbul, covering an area of 16.7 square kilometers, and its..