Yalova, the center of Yalova province, located in the north-west of Turkey, with a population of about..
The project consists of 7 buildings, including 1243 apartments and is an integrated complex for recreational..
يتألف المشروع من 9400 متر مربع. حيث 4 أبنية, 8 طوابق, 269 شقة سكنية,..
Bashakshehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
يتكون المشروع من 6 أبنية، 3 منها سكنية و القسم الآخر مكاتب...
This is one of the best areas of Istanbul, located on the European side of Istanbul. The area consists..
Esenyurt is located in the European part of Istanbul on an area of 43 square kilometers with a population..
The Bahcheshehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
Avdjlar is a district on the European side of Istanbul. This is the most densely populated area of Istanbul...