Yalova, the center of Yalova province, located in the north-west of Turkey, with a population of about..
The Kuchukchekmece district, located on the European side of Istanbul, is one of the most developed..
Yalova, the administrative center of the province of Yalova, located in the north-west of Turkey, with..
تقع في القسم الأوروبي على سواحل بحر مرمرة وخليج بيوك شكمجة,..
يتكون المشروع من 6 أبنية، 3 منها سكنية و القسم الآخر مكاتب...
Maslak is one of the largest areas of Istanbul, located in the European part of the city near the Shishli..
Located in the European part on the coast of the Sea of Marmara and Guseldzhe Gulf on an area of 360..
يتألف المشروع من 9 أبنية تحتوي على809 شقة و 79 محل تجاري على..
Avdjilar is located directly to the west of Lake Kuchukchekmedge, and on the other hand overlooks the..