Esenyurt is located in the European part of Istanbul on an area of 43 square kilometers with a population..
The project consists of 160 apartments and 20 stores. Developed according to the latest principles,..
Located in the European part on the coast of the Sea of Marmara and Guseldzhe Gulf on an area of 360..
يتمتع المشروع بمساحة 62.500 متر مربع مع 16-17 طوابق 239 شقة...
يتكون المشروع من برجين من 26 طابقًا. يحتوي أحد الأبراج على..
The Bahcheshehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
Bashakshehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
Bashaksehir district is located on the European side of Istanbul and is known as the city of parks...
تقع في الجانب الاوروبي من مدينة اسطنبول، تتربع على شمال..
يقع المشروع على مساحة 1157000 متر مربع, عدد الفلل 1400 فيلا, الإرتفاع..